Life Coaching

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, or MTBI, can be described as an internal injury to the brain while the skull has not been fractured. (See MTBI Defined.) MTBI can alter your lifestyle in many profound and subtle ways. MTBI Life Coaching helps you and your family find, understand and navigate your path to recovery.

Dr Gail Denton’s MTBI Life Coaching service begins with  a phone interview. This conversation reviews the patient’s condition and the therapies and care they may have tried so far. Future meetings, on the phone or in person, further explore and reorganize the current therapies, suggest new therapies and find practitioners for you in your area.

It is vitally important for you to understand why your therapies currently work or don’t work for you. As part of your new team, I will assist you in understanding why certain therapies are appropriate at certain times. This approach helps you understand your injury and creates a workable plan to effectively optimize your success.

The fee for a one hour session is $100.00 USD. Payment is available through PayPal. Please contact me via email to book your first appointment.

There are no guarantees here. Using my “whole patient” approach opens new doors to an improved lifestyle. The whole patient approach reorganizes and optimizes your recovery efforts. Start today!